Access Video Training
Log in to your university below to access the Crossroads training.
University of Houston | University of Houston - Clear Lake | University of Houston - Downtown | University of Houston - Victoria |
Once you log in using the access point for your University, follow these steps:
- Select the "Student Training" icon.
- Choose "View Courses."
- Open "Crossroads - Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Awareness Training."
- Watch the Crossroads video link. A text transcript is also provided.
- Select "Quizzes" in the course home section (same section where you found the video link).
- When ready, take the quiz.
- If needed, retake the quiz to get a passing score of 80 percent.
Welcome to the University of Houston System's Sexual Misconduct Awareness and Prevention Website
The purpose of this website is to serve as a resource for any member within the University of Houston System ("UHS") community. The Crossroads website is a "one-stop shop" for obtaining information related to sexual misconduct.
Sexual misconduct, a broad term encompassing a range of non-consensual sexual activity or unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature is antithetical to the standards and ideals of UHS. As part of our commitment to provide a safe learning and working environment, UHS launched Crossroads, a campaign promoting our collective responsibility to adhere to our standards of conduct and to foster an educational, working, and living environment where students, faculty, staff, and visitors are free from sex discrimination of any kind.
Crossroads was designed to inform students about common issues related to sexual misconduct. Crossroads aims to help students understand their rights and responsibilities under the UHS Sexual Misconduct Policy as well as provide useful information associated with sexual misconduct, including how and to whom they can report an incident.
To comply with the legal mandates that require UHS to provide training on the topic of sexual violence, Crossroads must be completed by all new students during their first semester of enrollment. To accomplish this, a hold will be placed on all new students' enrollment until they have successfully completed the Crossroads training module.
To complete the Crossroads training, students should log into their respective University’s eservices webpage using the following links:
- University of Houston - Click on the 'Student Training' icon
- University of Houston-Clear Lake
- University of Houston-Downtown
- University of Houston-Victoria
After viewing the training, students will be directed to complete a quiz. In order to have the hold removed from their account, the student must pass the quiz with an 80% or above. Once you have successfully completed the quiz, the hold will be removed and you will be able to register for the following semester.
The Crossroads Campaign
UHS and its various partners provide regular and ongoing programming that addresses sexual misconduct. Collectively, these efforts comprise the Crossroads Sexual Misconduct Educational and Awareness Campaign. Please find a description of those activities below.
Introduction Beginning with Orientation
At every UH campus, students attend an orientation on the concepts of sexual misconduct, consent, reporting, and bystander intervention. New staff and faculty orientations also include a discussion of the UHS Sexual Misconduct Policy and other non-discrimination laws and policies.
Campus Presentations and Events
"Take Back the Night" and other events and presentations regarding sexual misconduct and other risk factors for college students are regularly included as a part of UHS programming provided for the campus community.
Training for Student Employees and Leaders
All Resident Assistants (RAs) and other student leaders receive specialized training to address alcohol, drugs, and sexual misconduct. RAs are also required to host educational programs on these topics for their student residents.
Alcohol Awareness Programs
Various on and off campus partners provide presentations in residence halls and to student organizations, such fraternities and sororities, that involve information on state and federal laws regarding alcohol consumption, recognizing signs of alcohol poisoning, sexual misconduct, and strategies for reducing students' risk of harm if they choose to drink.
Student Leaders, Greeks, and Athletes
Each year, many students attend an educational presentation on vital topics including alcohol, drugs, and sexual misconduct.
FAQs About the Crossroads Training
What is Crossroads?
Crossroads is the University of Houston System’s sexual misconduct prevention and awareness training program for students. The goal of Crossroads is to make students aware of concepts commonly associated with sexual misconduct.
What is sexual misconduct?
At the UHS, sexual misconduct is a broad term encompassing a range of non-consensual sexual activity or unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature that includes: sexual harassment, sexual assault, non-consensual sexual touching, sexual exploitation, interpersonal violence (such as domestic and dating violence), sexual intimidation, and stalking.
Where did the name Crossroads come from?
The name, Crossroads, comes from the idea that students are starting a new journey at the University and they may encounter situations where they will make decisions that have an impact on their own lives and the lives of those around them. While students may encounter roadblocks during their journey, we want to share tools to help them navigate challenges they face. Crossroads welcomes new students to the University System and introduces them to risk reduction strategies and bystander intervention options that will make the entire campus community safer.
How do students complete the training?
Crossroads will be delivered online. Once the students log on, they will view a video which includes information about the UHS Sexual Misconduct Policy, situation-based hypothetical scenarios, tips for keeping themselves and others safe, and how to get help if they need it. The training was designed to explore the concepts commonly associated with sexual misconduct, such as acquaintance rape, as well as information on its prevention, such as recognizing the warning signs of abusive behavior.
What is the purpose of Crossroads?
The purpose of Crossroads is two-fold: To comply with state and federal mandates and to make students aware of issues commonly associated with sexual misconduct and the resources and support services available to address these issues.
Is it mandatory for students to take the training?
Yes. As a part of state laws including Texas (HB699) and federal mandate (Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Campus SaVE Act), all new students are required to be trained on sexual misconduct. These laws have mandated that universities provide students with the critical safety information that is provided in the training.
Are incoming graduate or transfer students required to take the training?
Federal law requires all new students, including graduate and transfer students, to be trained on sexual misconduct.
How long will it take for students to complete the training?
It should take about half an hour, but it may take some students longer.
When do students need to complete the training?
As soon as possible, but preferably by the due date. Check your campus website for that date.
What happens if a student does not complete the training?
Failure to complete the training by the due date will result in a hold being placed on the student’s enrollment for the following semester – meaning a student will not be able to register for classes next semester until they complete the training.
Will a student receive credit hours or a grade when they complete the training?
No, a student will not receive a letter grade. However, students will need to get 8 out of the 10 questions correct on the final quiz at the end of the training. The grade will not be noted in the student’s academic record and the student will not receive credit hours for completing it.
Do students have to finish the training in one sitting?
No, a student can pause the training and go back to the place where they left off when they are ready. So long as they complete the training by the due date, there is no penalty for pausing the training.
What if the training makes students uncomfortable?
Some of the content in Crossroads may be disturbing to some students. While Crossroads does not intend to create that reaction, if a student has that reaction, they have the ability to fast forward past the part that is causing them to feel uncomfortable and move on to the next part of the training. They also have the option to pause the training and to pick it up at a later time. So long as the student completes the training by the due date, they can start and stop the training at their leisure.
Campus Climate Survey
In an effort to understand the scope and nature of sexual violence on its campuses, the University of Houston System participated in a Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey conducted by the Educational Advisory Board Company. The anonymous, online survey assesses students’ perceptions, behaviors, attitudes, and experiences with regard to sexual violence, whether on or off campus.
The UH System has charged each campus to evaluate their students’ level of awareness and perception of sexual violence. The information collected forms a baseline measurement. Ultimately, this self-assessment guides each campus in determining its need for resources to increase education and prevention and to accommodate those who have been exposed to sexual violence. The results for the UH System and each of its universities are available below.
Spring 2017 Campus Climate Survey
- University of Houston
- University of Houston-Clear Lake
- University of Houston-Downtown
- University of Houston-Victoria