UH System Brand Style Guide
The University of Houston System Brand combines logos, typography and design elements to create a distinctive look and feel for all University of Houston System communications. The UH System Brand Styleguide provides resources for all UH System offices and departments to create marketing and communications materials that leverage the clarity and consistency of the UH System Brand.
Table of Contents:
- University of Houston System Wordmark
- Colors
- Typography
- UH System Seal
- Brand Review
- Email Signature Guidelines
- UH System Brand Contacts
University of Houston System Wordmark
The University of Houston System Wordmark is a graphic depiction of the “University of Houston System” name in a type format and serves as the main identifying feature of University of Houston System communications and other materials. There are two versions of the University of Houston System Wordmark:
Primary Wordmark (Stacked Format)

Secondary Wordmark (Horizontal Format)

The University of Houston System color palette provides a creative yet prominent basis for UH System designs. Red (PMS 186) is the System’s main color and should be present in designs whenever possible.
The Crimson type family is the primary typeface for the University of Houston System brand. It is suitable for use in body copy, headings and subheads.
- Crimson Regular
- Crimson Italic
- Crimson Semibold
- Crimson Semibold Italic
- Crimson Bold
- Crimson Bold Italic
University of Houston System Seal
The seal of the University of Houston System is the coat-of-arms of General Sam Houston, who claimed descent from a Norman knight, Sir Hugh. The simple escutcheon in the center of the seal consists of checkered chevrons denoting nobility, and three martlets, gentle lowland birds symbolizing peace and deliverance. A winged hourglass is above the shield and surmounting this, the motto, “In Tempore” (In Time). Greyhounds were placed at the sides to indicate the speed in giving aid.
As the most formal and ceremonial official mark of the System, the UH System Seal may only be used by the Offices of the System Chancellor and Board of Regents. Doing so helps retain the seal's integrity for official communications from these offices and designated ceremonies.
Brand Review
All communication and marketing material created for the University of Houston System must include the UH System brand components and be submitted to branding@central.uh.edu for approval prior to production or public distribution.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email branding@central.uh.edu.
Email Signatures
All emails sent concerning University of Houston System activities are considered official University of Houston System and are required to comply with UH System Branding guidelines to ensure the consistency and recognition necessary to build and maintain a strong UH System brand identity.
UH System email signatures must be concise and include only the following information:
Name (pronouns optional)
Job Title
Office or Department Name
University of Houston System
Phone Number
Trebuchet, 10 point
Black type except the name of the University of Houston System may be in red.
John Doe
Office of the Board of Regents
University of Houston System
Dos and Don’ts
Background color
Do not use watermarks, colors, or photographic backgrounds on emails sent from uh.edu.
White is the only admissible background color.
UH is proud of its alumni, they may add their graduation year after their name.
Jane Doe (’14) - undergraduate degree
Jane Doe, (J.D. ’18) - graduate degree
Jane Doe, (’14, J.D. ’18) - dual degree
Do not add committees to the email signature.
Fax numbers
Fax numbers are not required, if used, it is placed in the Phone Number 2 field.
Logos, quotes, and taglines
Do not use quotes, taglines or additional logos in email signature. The UH logo produced
by the email generator is the only approved logo to be used in an email signature.
Private practice
State rules preclude university employees from using public resources to promote private
entities. Do not list other employment in the university email signature.
Professional degrees, licenses, or certifications
Professional degrees, licenses and/or certifications may be included, and should be
placed directly after the name.
Example: John Doe, Ph.D.
Social Media
Do not include social media links or icon images in email signatures.
University of Houston System Brand Contact
Patrick Mulligan
Executive Director, Brand Management, Licensing & Trademarks