Committee Structure
- Academic, Research, and Student Success Committee
- Audit and Compliance Committee
- Endowment Management Committee
- Finance, Facilities, and Administration Committee
Charter: The Academic, Research, and Student Success committee has oversight of instruction,
research, and service policy and performance, including review of the Chancellor's
recommendations on academic programs. It also has oversight of all matters related
to student success, including academic, research, and student support programs.
More specifically, the committee shall:
(a) review and recommend approval of the role and mission of the system and its universities;
(b) review and recommend approval of the academic organization of the universities
at the college /school level;
(c) review and recommend approval of major academic policies; proposed new or major
changes in academic programs; and provide oversight of academic program reviews;
(d) review and recommend approval of campus admissions policies and major policies
pertaining to students, student activities, and student organizations;
(e) monitor student success indices and review and approve programs aimed at increasing
retention and graduation rates and student satisfaction;
(f) review the research agenda and priorities and review and accept reports on research
contracts and grants;
(g) review and accept reports on the service mission, including academically related
activities in community engagement;
(h) review and recommend approval on matters concerning the library, technology, intellectual
property, and emerging issues;
(i) review and recommend approval of certain academic personnel actions; and
(j) consider and make recommendation on any other matters that arise concerning academic
and student success.
(k) Review and recommend approval of the Academic, Research, and Student Success Committee
Charter annually, as listed in the Board Planner
(I) Review and recommend approval of the UH System Faculty Workload Report annually,
as listed in the Board Planner
Beth Madison, Chair
Durga D. Agrawal, Vice Chair
Alonzo Cantu, Member
Gregory C. King, Member
Tammy Murphy, Member
Tomas Bryan, Member, Non-Voting
Tilman J. Fertitta, Ex Officio
Meeting minutes are approved at the upcoming committee/Board Meeting and can be found
at the link below:
UHS Board of Regents Meeting Minutes
Charter: The Audit and Compliance Committee has oversight of all audit matters and all compliance activities, including ensuring sound fiscal and management policies and practices. It also provides oversight to ensure full compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations.
The Audit & Compliance Committee (“the Committee”) of the Board of Regents (“the Board”)
of The University of Houston (“UH”) System assists the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities
- Oversight of the quality and integrity of the accounting and financial reporting
practices, including the annual financial statements, and the system of internal controls;
- Oversight and direction of the internal auditing function, any external auditors
or other outside expertise whom the Committee may employ, and engagements with the
State Auditor;
- Oversight and direction for the System-wide institutional compliance function;
- Oversight of the review of effective institutional management practices which provide
for effective risk management, accountability and stewardship at all U.H. System components;
- Other duties as directed by the Board.
The Committee’s role includes a particular focus on U.H. System’s processes to manage
business and financial risk, and for compliance with significant applicable legal,
ethical, and regulatory requirements.
The membership of the Committee shall consist of not less than three regents, nor
more than four. The Committee will have a committee chair, vice chair, and one or
two additional regents, all of whom shall be appointed by the chair of the board.
The chair of the board will serve as ex-officio for the Committee and will count for
purposes of determining a quorum. A quorum is three for the Committee. One to four
advisory members may be appointed to the Committee with the unanimous approval of
the chair of the board, the chancellor, and the chair of the Committee. The advisory
members will serve one-year terms from September 1 through August 31 and may be reappointed
each year. Advisory members will not have voting authority.
The Chief Audit Executive, System-wide Compliance Officer, and executive management
shall provide periodic reports related to audit, compliance, and management review
to the Committee. Any public accounting firm or other outside expertise employed by
the Committee shall report directly to the Committee. The State Auditor’s reports
will be submitted to this committee. The Committee is expected to maintain free and
open communications, which shall include private executive sessions, at least annually,
with these parties, as it deems appropriate and is permitted by law.
The Committee chairperson shall regularly report Audit & Compliance Committee activities
to the full Board of Regents, particularly with respect to:
(i.) any issues that arise regarding compliance with legal or regulatory requirements
and the performance and independence of internal and external auditing and assurance
functions; and
(ii.) such other matters as are relevant to the Committee’s discharge of its responsibilities.
U.H. System executive management is responsible for providing the Committee with educational
resources related to accounting principles and procedures, risk management, and other
information that may be requested by the Committee. U.H. System executive management
shall assist the Committee in maintaining appropriate financial and compliance literacy.
The Committee, in discharging its oversight role, is empowered to study or investigate
any matter related to audit, compliance, and management of interest or concern that
the Committee, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate for study or investigation
by the Committee. The Committee shall be given full access to all U.H. System employees
and operations as necessary to carry out this authority. The Committee through its
chair is authorized to engage outside expertise, to the extent permitted by applicable
law, should it choose to do so.
The Committee’s specific responsibilities in carrying out its oversight role are delineated
in the Audit & Compliance Committee Responsibilities Checklist. The responsibilities
checklist will be updated annually by the Committee to reflect changes in regulatory
requirements, authoritative guidance, and evolving oversight practices. As the compendium
of Committee responsibilities, the most recently updated responsibilities checklist
will be considered to be an addendum to this charter.
The Committee relies on the expertise and knowledge of management, the internal auditors,
the State Auditor, and any public accounting firm or other outside expertise they
may employ in carrying out its oversight responsibilities. U.H. System executive management
is responsible for preparing complete and accurate financial statements and for monitoring
internal controls and compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and internal
policies and procedures. Any public accounting firm or other outside expertise hired
by the Committee is responsible for performing the services specified in the hiring
Responsibilities Checklist for the Audit & Compliance Committee of the Board of Regents
of The University of Houston System.
1. The Committee will perform such other functions as assigned by law or the Board
of Regents of The University of Houston System (“the Board”).
2. The Committee shall meet four times per year or more frequently as circumstances
require. The Committee may ask members of management or others to attend the meeting
and provide pertinent information as necessary.
3. The agenda for Committee meetings will be prepared in consultation between the
Committee chair (with input from the Committee members), U.H. System executive management,
the Chief Audit Executive, and the System-wide Compliance Officer.
4. The Committee shall verify that its membership is familiar with the Committee’s
Charter, goals, and objectives.
5. The Committee shall review the independence of each Committee member based on
applicable independence laws and regulations.
6. The Committee shall review and approve the appointment or change in the Chief
Audit Executive.
7. The Committee shall have the power to conduct or authorize investigations into
any matters within the Committee's scope of responsibilities.
8. The Committee shall provide an open avenue of communication between the State
Auditor, internal auditors, any public accounting firm or other outside expertise
employed, executive management, and the Board. The Committee chairperson shall report
Committee actions to the Board with such recommendations as the Committee may deem
9. For the purpose of preparing or issuing an audit report or related work, the Committee
shall be directly responsible for the appointment, compensation, and oversight of
the work of any employed public accounting firm (including the resolution of disagreements
between management and the auditor regarding financial reporting) or other outside
expertise. This does not preclude an individual component institution from hiring
a public accounting firm to perform work at the component level.
10. The Chief Audit Executive has responsibility for ensuring that no conflicts of
interest exist between public accounting firms performing consulting services and
firms conducting financial statement audits. The Chief Audit Executive shall report
annually on the status and integrity of U.H. System’s engagements with public accounting
11. The Committee shall review with executive management, the Chief Audit Executive,
the System-wide Compliance Officer, the State Auditor, and any employed public accounting
firm the coordination of efforts to assure completeness of coverage, reduction of
redundant efforts, and the effective use of resources.
12. The Committee shall inquire of executive management, the Chief Audit Executive,
the System-wide Compliance Officer, and any employed public accounting firm or other
outside expertise about significant risks or exposures and assess the steps management
has taken to minimize such risk to U.H. System.
13. The Committee shall consider and review with the Chief Audit Executive, the System-wide
Compliance Officer, the State Auditor, and any employed public accounting firm or
other outside expertise:
a. The adequacy of U.H. System’s internal controls including computerized information
system controls and security;
b. The adequacy and efficiency of senior-level management with respect to fiscal
operations and compliance functions at all component institutions;
c. Any related significant findings and recommendations of the State Auditor,
independent public accountants, and internal audit together with management’s responses
14. Regarding the U.H. System’s financial statements, the Committee shall review
with executive management and/or the Chief Audit Executive:
a. U.H. System’s annual financial statements and related footnotes;
b. Any audit and assurance work performed on components of the annual financial
c. Any significant changes to the financial statements requested by the State
Auditor, internal audit, or any independent public accountants;
d. Any serious difficulties or disputes with management encountered during assurance
work on components of the financial statements;
e. Other matters related to the conduct of assurance services that are to be
communicated to the Committee under generally accepted government auditing standards.
15. The Committee shall require the U.H. System Chancellor and U.H. System Chief
Financial Officer certify the annual financial statements for the U.H. System as a
whole, and that each component President and Chief Financial Officer certify the annual
financial statements for their respective component institution.
16. The Committee shall review legal and regulatory matters that may have a material
impact on the financial statements, internal auditing and/or compliance activities.
17. The Committee shall review with executive management and the Chief Audit Executive
at least annually U. H. System’s critical accounting policies, including any significant
changes to Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures (GAAP), Regents’ Bylaws and Policies,
and/or operating policies or standards.
18. On an annual basis, the Committee shall review, recommend, and approve the annual
audit plan, including the allocation of audit hours and internal audit budget and
19. Regarding audits, the Committee shall consider and review with executive management
and the Chief Audit Executive:
a. Significant findings during the year and management’s responses thereto;
b. Any difficulties encountered in the course of the audits, including any restrictions
on the scope of work or access to required information;
c. Any changes required in the planned scope of the audit plan.
20. The Committee shall conduct an annual performance review and evaluation of the
Chief Audit Executive.
21. The Committee shall ensure procedures are established for the receipt, retention,
and treatment of complaints received regarding internal controls or auditing matters;
and the confidential anonymous submission by employees of concerns regarding questionable
auditing matters.
22. The Committee shall monitor The University of Houston System Institutional Compliance
Program and review with executive management and the System-wide Compliance Officer
the status of the program and the results of its activities, including:
a. Significant institutional risks identified during the year and mitigating
actions taken;
b. Significant findings during the year and management’s responses thereto;
c. Any difficulties encountered in the course of inspections or assurance activities,
including any restrictions on the scope of work or access to required information;
d. Any changes required in planned scope of the compliance action plan.
23. The Committee shall conduct an annual review of the ethics and conflict of interest
policies of the Board and each of the universities and receive a status update on
the annual regent certification statements.
24. The Committee shall ensure procedures are established for the receipt, retention,
and treatment of complaints received regarding compliance issues and the confidential
anonymous submission by employees of concerns regarding ethically or legally questionable
25. The Committee shall meet with the Chief Audit Executive, the System-wide Compliance
Officer, executive management, or any employed external auditors or other outside
expertise in executive session to discuss any matters that the Committee or the before
named believe should be discussed privately with the Committee, to the extent permitted
by applicable law.
26. The Committee shall review and update the Audit & Compliance Committee Responsibilities
Checklist annually.
27. The Committee shall conduct an annual review of the report on compliance of each
support organization.
28. The Committee shall receive an annual fraud prevention and awareness report which
summarizes the fraud risk analyses and related risk mitigation strategies.
29. The Committee shall receive an annual report of all activities of the Identity
Theft Prevention program.
30. The Committee shall receive an annual report to the Board listing all professional
services and consulting contracts to a single entity greater than $250,000 and for
all other procurements (except investment agreements) where total compensation for
system-wide sources to a single entity is expected to exceed $1,000,000.
31. The Committee shall receive an annual report on the activities of the Internal
Auditing Department in the format prescribed by the State Auditor’s Office (Texas
Government Code 2102.009).
32. The Committee shall receive an audit report on the safety and security of the
institution’s facilities at least once every three years (Texas Education Code 51.217).
The committee is required to perform a review of the charter annually, as required in Board of Regents Bylaws. (8/23/23)
Gregory C. King, Chair
John A. McCall, Jr., Vice Chair
Alonzo Cantu, Member
Jack Moore, Member
Ricky Raven, Member
Tilman J. Fertitta, Ex Officio
Meeting minutes are approved at the upcoming committee/Board Meeting and can be found
at the link below:
UHS Board of Regents Meeting Minutes
Charter: The Endowment Management Committee has oversight of all investment assets and activities,
outside investment managers, investment consultants, and any other matters pertaining
to endowed and non-endowed assets for the System. It also provides oversight of investment
policies and performance.
The committee is required to perform a review of the charter annually, as required
in Board of Regents Bylaws. (11/21/24)
Durga D. Agrawal, Chair
Jack B. Moore, Vice Chair
Beth Madison, Member
Gregory C. King, Member
John A. McCall Jr., Member
Tammy Murphy, Member
Tilman J. Fertitta, Ex Officio
Meeting minutes are approved at the upcoming committee/Board Meeting and can be found
at the link below:
UHS Board of Regents Meeting Minutes
**Formerly Facilities, Construction and Master Planning Committee and Finance & Administration Committee merged November 16, 2023.**
Charter: The Finance, Facilities, and Administration committee has oversight of policy and
performance related to the physical assets, budget, finance, and business operations,
including reviewing the Chancellor’s recommendations on capital priorities, annual
budgets, and tuition and fees.
More specifically, the committee shall:
(a) review and recommend approval of fiscal policies and major financial plans including
operating budgets;
(b) review and recommend approval of tuition and fees;
(c) review and recommend delegation of authority to the Chancellor for banking agreements;
(d) review and recommend delegation of authority to the Chancellor for major financial
and expenditures (single procurements greater than $1 million annually);
(e) review and recommend approval of bond issuances;
(f) review major financial and management reports;
(g) review and recommend approval of physical and facility master plans as well as
improvement plans for each UH System site including amendments for purchase, lease,
sale or
development programs for real estate;
(h) review and recommend delegation of authority to the Chancellor for programs regarding
construction or major repair and rehabilitation of buildings and facilities when the
total cost is
equal to or greater than the submittal threshold requiring Texas Higher Education
Board notification;
(i) review and recommend delegation of authority to the Chancellor for land acquisition
purchase or gift;
(j) review major reports regarding the use, occupancy, condition, and security of
facilities and
property, including information concerning deferred maintenance with respect to buildings
(k) review and recommend naming of facilities consistent with board policy;
The Finance, Facilities, and Administration Committee is required to perform a review
of the charter at least annually, as required by Board of Regent Bylaws. (11/21/24)
Ricky Raven, Chair
Alonzo Cantu, Vice Chair
John McCall Jr., Member
Jack Moore, Member
Tammy Murphy, Member
Tomas Bryan, Member, Non-Voting
Tilman J. Fertitta, Ex Officio
Meeting minutes are approved at the upcoming committee/Board Meeting and can be found
at the link below:
UHS Board of Regents Meeting Minutes