Raul A. Gonzalez

Raul A. Gonzalez retired as a Justice of the Texas Supreme Court after 14 years of service on that court. He also served as Justice of the Texas 13th Court of Appeals, and Presiding Judge of Texas 103rd District Court, for a total of 20 years in the judiciary.

Since his graduation from the University of Houston Law Center in 1966, Justice Gonzalez has gained a wide variety of experience in several practice areas of law, as an Assistant United States Attorney, in private practice, and as a member of the judiciary.

On completing his judicial service, he joined the Appellate Section of Locke Liddell & Sapp (now Locke Lord.) In addition to his long service on Texas Courts, deciding a myriad of complex civil matters, Justice Gonzalez’s experience as a neutral arbitrator, has involved decisions on matters ranging from disputes over oil and gas royalties, franchise agreements, construction and purchase contracts, stock purchase agreements, fraud and accounting malpractice.

Justice Gonzalez has served in a number of consulting/testifying expert witness engagements on standards of professional conduct and professional liability.


  • University of Virginia School of Law, LLM 1986
  • University of Houston Law Center, J.D. 1966
  • University of Texas –Austin, B.A. 1963

Neutral Panel Membership

  • Panel of Neutrals of the American Arbitration Association
  • International Center for Dispute Resolution
  • AAA’s Large Complex Panel

Professional Awards and Affiliations

  • Outstanding Alumnus-University of Houston Law Center
  • Rosewood Gavel Award-Outstanding Jurist, St. Mary’s Law School
  • Lifetime Achievement Award-St., Thomas More Society
  • Honorary D.H.L, St. Edwards University
  • Former Regent, University of Houston
  • Justice Raul A. Gonzalez Elementary School
  • Presenting Team, World Wide Marriage Encounter
  • Tribute by Justice Nathan Hecht: 39 Hous. L. Rev 391 (1999)
  • Honorary D.H.L, St. Edwards University