New VC/VP for Research

Dear UHS Colleagues -

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Amr Elnashai as our new Vice Chancellor and Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer effective July, 2017, and pending approval by the Board of Regents.

This appointment is the result of an extensive national and inclusive search, and I want to thank all those who participated and provided feedback. Thank you in particular to the search committee chair, Dr. Paula Myrick Short, Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the University of Houston System, and Provost at UH, and to the search committee. I know that this work takes significant time, and I truly appreciate your willingness to participate in this critically important process.

A civil engineer by training and a native of Egypt, Dr. Elnashai received his undergraduate degree from Cairo University and his Ph.D. from Imperial College in London, where he then spent 16 years as a faculty member. A Fellow of the British Royal Academy of Engineering, Dr. Elnashai has been Dean of Engineering at Pennsylvania State University, where he holds the Harold and Inge Marcus Endowed Chair of Engineering.

I am convinced that the combination of his extraordinary academic credentials, significant administrative experience and long-standing commitment to research uniquely positions Dr. Elnashai for the continued development of the University of Houston System research portfolio.

Finally, I especially want to express my deep appreciation to Interim Vice Chancellor and Vice President Ramanan Krishnamoorti, for his leadership and service to the system and university. Dr. Krishnamoorti will continue to serve as interim VC/VP to assist with a smooth transition until Dr. Elnashai arrives in July.

For more information, please see our news release about his appointment.

With warm regards,
Renu Khator
Chancellor, UH System