Fraud, Non-Compliance & Freedom of Expression

UHS Faculty, Staff and Students,

The University of Houston System strives to provide a working and learning environment free from discrimination, harassment, misconduct, fraudulent activity, and non-compliance with policies and rules. In this context, our first responsibility is to never engage in questionable actions ourselves but that alone is not enough. Our responsibility also includes reporting any questionable behavior or action if we see it. The University of Houston System maintains a policy of no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, fraud and non-compliance with policies and rules. Therefore, don’t remain silent and don’t be a bystander. If you see a questionable behavior, report it.

In our continued commitment to improve how our community can report concerns, and to ensure these reports are handled appropriately and confidentially, we are rebranding our anonymous reporting system MySafeCampus to the Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline effective Sept. 25. 

Any member of the UH System community can report misconduct and noncompliance confidentially through this tool or through your campus police department. If the matter involves sexual misconduct, the Title IX Coordinator should also be contacted and other campus resources on the UHS website are available as well. Every report of misconduct and noncompliance is investigated, and no member of our community is above the process. As I have said before, if you see something, say something.  

Let me take this opportunity to remind you that the University of Houston System also promotes freedom of expression, and this freedom implies a collective responsibility to observe the rights of others, including the right to be free from violence or threatened violence. It is our unwavering commitment to maintain a culture of inclusion in which all voices are heard and constructive discourse is protected and encouraged. However, acts of violence or threatened violence will not be tolerated. As we express ourselves, it is equally important that we listen to others because listening leads to understanding, understanding leads to acceptance and acceptance leads to change.

Renu Khator
Chancellor, University of Houston System