Fraud, Non-Compliance & Campus Welfare

UHS Faculty, Staff and Students,

Last year at this time, we launched the rebranded Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline, a UH System site used to anonymously report questionable scholastic and workplace issues at our respective universities. Today, I want to remind you of the crucial role that it plays in our continuing efforts to maintain safe and secure campuses.

The Hotline is a vital part of our commitment to provide an environment free from discrimination, misconduct, fraudulent activity and general non-compliance with our policies and rules. While our principal responsibility is to avoid engaging in such problematic actions ourselves, that alone is not enough. We also have a responsibility to report any questionable behavior when we observe it. To repeat the well-known phrase – if you see something, say something.

Any member of the UHS community can report possible non-compliance or misconduct confidentially using this web site tool (or, if you prefer, through the Texas State Auditor’s Office, which can be found here). Should the matter involve sexual misconduct, the Title IX Coordinator can be contacted as well. No member of our UHS community is above this process, and every report of misconduct or non-compliance will be reviewed and investigated appropriately. There are no exceptions.

Along with the physical safety of our universities, we are also dedicated to looking after the general welfare of our campus communities – and that includes fostering a culture that clearly values efficiency, integrity and impartiality. If you are aware of anything that compromises our mutual commitment to those ideals, I urge you to use the Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline.  It is in everyone’s best interest.


With warm regards,
Renu Khator
Chancellor, University of Houston System