Reporting Fraud and Non-Compliance

UHS Faculty, Staff and Students,

Maintaining safe and secure campuses throughout the University of Houston System remains a top priority and our Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline plays a crucial role in those efforts.

Today, I want to remind you that this important website enables you to anonymously report questionable workplace and academic issues at our respective universities. This covers a range of potential concerns regarding sexual misconduct and harassment, financial and auditing irregularity, theft, substance abuse and unsafe conditions. We take such concerns seriously and are committed to providing an environment free from discrimination, misconduct, fraudulent activity and non-compliance with UHS policies and rules.

Our first course of action is to avoid engaging in such problematic actions ourselves, but that is not enough. We also have a clear responsibility to report any questionable behavior when we observe it. For more information, please consult Required Reporting. The well-known phrase has never been more applicable – if you see something, say something.

Please remember that any member of the UHS community can report possible non-compliance or misconduct confidentially using the Hotline – or directly through the Texas State Auditor’s Office. No one is above this process. Every report of non-compliance or misconduct will be promptly reviewed and investigated appropriately, with no exceptions.

As chancellor, let me assure you that the presidents of our UH System universities and I remain fully committed to safeguarding the general welfare of our campus communities. We are steadfast in fostering a culture that promotes impartiality, efficiency and integrity. Anything that seriously threatens those mutual ideals is unacceptable. I urge you to use the Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline if you have concerns. This is in everyone’s best interest.


With warm regards,
Renu Khator
Chancellor, University of Houston System