Fraud & Non-Compliance

Dear UHS Faculty, Staff and Students,

Maintaining the overall safety and security of our University of Houston System campuses has always been a top priority, but never has it been as high a profile issue as it is during this pandemic.   While we continue to implement an array of procedures to contend with COVID-19, there are other situations that we must pay attention to as well, including sexual misconduct and harassment, financial and auditing irregularity, theft, substance abuse and generally unsafe conditions.

We take such matters very seriously and this letter once again is to make you aware that we have a dedicated Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline available to anonymously report questionable workplace and academic issues at our respective universities. Any member of the UHS community can report possible non-compliance or misconduct confidentially using this Hotline – or, if you prefer, directly through the Texas State Auditor’s Office. Every report of non-compliance or misconduct will be promptly reviewed and investigated appropriately, with no exceptions. We are committed to providing an environment free from discrimination, misconduct, fraudulent activity and non-compliance with our UHS policies and rules. No one is above this process.

It is also important to note that UHS now has a substantially revised Sexual Misconduct Policy, recently approved by the Board of Regents, that meets extensive new Title IX requirements. This updated policy came about through a shared-review process and all Title IX employees across the UH System are receiving updated training. We are committed to strengthening our campus environments so that students and employees are free from all forms of sexual misconduct and discrimination.

Let me remind you that simply avoiding such activities yourself, while commendable, is not enough. We also have a clearly defined responsibility to report questionable behavior when we observe it. Per state law and UHS policy, all university employees are required to report incidents of sexual misconduct. For additional details, please consult Required Reporting. You may report discrimination and sexual misconduct via the online form linked at the bottom of every university web page.

The presidents of our UH System universities, including myself, have pledged to safeguard our campus communities. Anything that compromises that pledge is unacceptable. The well-known phrase has never been more applicable – if you see something, say something. In everyone’s best interest, I urge you to use the Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline if you have concerns.


Renu Khator
Chancellor, University of Houston System