Fraud & Non-Compliance

UHS Students, Faculty and Staff,

Although a considerable part of our attention has been focused on coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, our commitment to maintaining safe and secure campuses within the University of Houston System encompasses a number of other possible concerns that could compromise our general welfare.  These include sexual misconduct and discrimination, financial and auditing irregularity, theft, substance abuse and physically unsafe conditions.

Today, I want to confirm that we continue to take such issues with the utmost seriousness and remain committed to providing a learning environment and workplace without discrimination, misconduct, fraudulent activity and non-compliance with our UHS policies.  To help ensure the success of our efforts, I want to remind you that we have a dedicated Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline to anonymously report questionable operational and academic issues at our respective UHS institutions.

Any member of the UHS community can report concerns about non-compliance or misconduct confidentially using this Hotline. Or, if you prefer, you can also share such concerns directly with the Texas State Auditor’s Office.  Every report of non-compliance or misconduct will be promptly reviewed and investigated appropriately, with no exceptions. No one is above this process.

In particular, I wish to point out that last year the UHS Board of Regents approved a significantly revised Sexual Misconduct Policy based on extensive new Title IX requirements. This updated policy has allowed us to maintain campus environments in which our students and employees can feel free from all forms of sexual misconduct. One important element in this process is the personal responsibility that we each have to take note of questionable behavior and circumstances when we encounter them.  But, beyond that, state law and UHS policy now specifically require all university employees to report incidents of sexual misconduct to a Title IX officer. If you need more information about this legal obligation, including the repercussion for failure to report, please consult the Required Reporting website.  If you see something, say something – it’s the law.

In my capacity as chancellor, I want to assure you that the presidents of our UH System universities, including myself, have pledged to preserve the welfare of our campus communities against all perils and to foster a culture of impartiality and integrity. Please help us keep that pledge by using the Hotline when necessary.


Renu Khator

Chancellor, University of Houston System