VC/VP of Student Affairs Search Committee Announcement

Dear Faculty and Staff,

I am pleased to announce that I am appointing a 16-member search committee co-chaired by Senior Vice President Raymond Bartlett and Senior Vice Provost Teri Longacre to begin our national search for our permanent vice chancellor/vice president for Student Affairs for the UH System/UH. The Search Committee will be assisted by Greenwood Asher and will begin its work this month with the hope of filling the position by late fall 2023. I thank the committee members for undertaking this very important responsibility.

The Search Committee is charged to (a) develop a strong and diverse pool of candidates, (b) screen eligible applicants, (c) invite finalists for campus interviews and (d) provide its assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of each interviewee.

This position is critically important in ensuring the continued transformation of the University of Houston and the UH System. We need a leader and a partner who believes in shared governance, is committed to holistic student success and understands the unique needs of today’s diverse student body. Please help me and the Search Committee in finding such a leader by nominating strong candidates and meeting with finalists. With your help we can find a leader who will help us accomplish our bold vision to become a top 50 public university — and that begins and ends with our students.

Thank you for your interest and engagement.

Renu Khator
Chancellor, University of Houston System