Fraud & Noncompliance
Dear UHS Students, Faculty and Staff,
The University of Houston System is committed to your success and maintaining safe and secure campuses is paramount to that end. To help ensure our safety and well-being we have a dedicated Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline that any member of the University of Houston System community can use to confidentially report concerns about noncompliance or misconduct at our UHS institutions.
You can use the Hotline to report a wide range of potential concerns, including sexual misconduct and harassment, financial and accounting irregularity, theft, substance abuse and unsafe conditions. Additionally, we offer the option to report anonymously if you prefer not to disclose your identity. We take all reported concerns seriously and are committed to maintaining an environment free from discrimination, misconduct, fraudulent activity and noncompliance with UHS policies and rules. Alternatively, you may also share such concerns directly with the Texas State Auditor’s Office. I also want to remind you that UHS employees have required reporting in certain circumstances. For more information, please review our Required Reporting website. I want to assure you that every report of noncompliance or misconduct will be promptly reviewed and investigated appropriately.
As chancellor, let me assure you that the presidents of our UH System universities, including myself, remain fully committed to safeguarding the general welfare of our campus communities. We are steadfast in fostering a culture of fairness, integrity and accountability. I strongly encourage you to use the Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline whenever necessary to report any concerns or misconduct.
Renu Khator
Chancellor, University of Houston System