Complainant/Respondent FAQ

Complainant FAQ

I am a victim of sexual misconduct? What reporting rights do I have?

Victims of Sexual Misconduct have the right to decide if and when they report incidents of sexual misconduct that occurred against them.

Can a victim of sexual misconduct file an anonymous report?

If a victim chooses to make a report, they may request that their report be investigated by the University without providing their name to the Respondent or witnesses. Moreover, anyone can receive information about this policy, their rights under the policy reporting options, and supports resources without disclosing facts related to the alleged incident.

Do I have to file a complaint in order to receive interim measures from the University?

A victim of sexual misconduct does not need to file a complaint to receive interim measures. Some interim measures may be implemented without an alleged victim disclosing identifying information related to the incident(s).

I am not sure I want to file a formal police report. Do I have any other options?

A formal complaint may be filed with your component’s Title IX Coordinator. This can be done simultaneous to the filing of a criminal complaint or by its self. An alleged victim can initiate the formal complaint process by filling out the Formal Complaint Form and submitting it to the Title IX Coordinator, who will forward the Complaint to Equal Opportunity Services ("EOS").

How long do I have to decide whether or not I want to file a complaint?

There is no limit to the timeframe for filing a complaint and a complaint may be withdrawn at any time.

Do I have the right to inspect the evidence?

Yes. Before a finding is made, you have the right to right to inspect the evidence against you. To formally request to inspect the file, please notify the investigator assigned to your case.

Respondent FAQ

If I have been accused of violating the policy, do I have the right to see the allegations against me?

Yes. You have the right to receive the allegations against you within five (5) business days of the complaint being filed. After you have received the complaint, you have the right to file a response within five (5) business days of your receipt of the complaint.

Can I consult my attorney before I respond?

Yes. In fact, your advisor, which could be an attorney, may be present during all relevant meetings related to alleged violations of this policy. While your adviser may accompany you and may confer privately with you, the adviser may not speak on your behalf or otherwise participate in any meeting. An adviser’s failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the termination of the meeting.

Do I have the right to inspect the evidence against me?

Yes. Before a finding is made, you have the right to inspect the evidence against you. To formally request to inspect the file, please notify the investigator assigned to your case.

Can I delay my response until the criminal charges against me are dropped?

No. You have the right to receive the allegations against you and provide a response. However, if you do not provide your response within the time period provided in the policy the investigator will move forward with their investigation and provide a finding with the evidence that they have in their possession.