Title IX Contacts - University of Houston
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Title IX Contacts

"Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a law that protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance."

The Title IX Coordinator oversees the University’s response to reports and complaints that involve possible sex discrimination to monitor outcomes, identify and address any patterns, and assess effects on the campus climate so the University can address issues that affect the wider school community.

Contact Information for Title IX Offices

Please find your campus Title IX Coordinator below:

University of Houston

Title IX Coordinator
Rebecca Lake, J.D.
4367 Cougar Village Drive, Bldg. 526, Houston, TX 77204

University of Houston-Downtown

Title IX Coordinator
Lauri S. Ruiz, J.D.
One Main Street, Suite S380, Houston, TX 77002

University of Houston-Victoria

Title IX Coordinator
Brandon Lee, M.B.A
University West, Room 116, 3007 N. Ben Wilson St., Victoria, TX 77901

University of Houston-Clear Lake

Title IX Coordinator
David D. Brittain, Jr., J.D.
2700 Bay Area Blvd., Bayou B2323, Houston, TX 77058

Title IX Team Training

All Title IX Coordinators, investigators, hearing officers, and anyone who may facilitate an informal resolution process in the   UH  System have been trained in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. To view training materials used in the University of Houston System, please see the resources below. 

2023-2024 Annual Equal Opportunity Training

Title IX Training for Your Institution