The Function of Internal Auditing
The Internal Auditing Department conducts independent and objective reviews of university
operations and procedures and reports findings and recommendations to the Board of
Regents, Chancellor of the University Houston System and other executive officers,
as appropriate.
In order to accomplish our objectives, we must perform the following on a continual basis:
In order to accomplish our objectives, we must perform the following on a continual basis:
- Review organizational units within the System to determine whether they are performing their functions efficiently and effectively in compliance with management's guidelines, policies, and procedures, and in a manner that is consistent with System objectives and standards.
- Determine the adequacy and effectiveness of the System's accounting and operating controls.
- Review operating systems to ensure compliance with those policies, plans, procedures, laws, and regulations that have a significant impact on operations. Policy measures and improvements will be recommended as needed.
- Verify the existence of the System's assets, and monitor procedures for safeguarding those assets.
- Appraise the efficiency with which resources are employed, and identify opportunities to improve operating performance.
- Coordinate audit efforts with those of external CPA firms and the State Auditor's Office.
- Participate in the design, development, implementation, and operation of major computer-based systems to ensure that adequate controls are incorporated in the system.
- Conduct periodic audits of computer service centers and make post-installation evaluations of major data processing systems to determine whether these systems meet their expressed purposes and objectives.
- Investigate reported occurrence of fraud, embezzlement, theft, waste, etc., and recommend controls to prevent or detect such occurrences.
In carrying out their duties and responsibilities, members of the Internal Auditing Department will have full, free, and unrestricted access to all System activities, records, property, and personnel. This authority is granted by the Board of Regents.