Institutional Compliance & Ethics

The Office of General Counsel (OGC) provides guidance to System and University offices on complying with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. Additionally, OGC collaborates with the Office of Compliance and Ethics and the Internal Audit Department to investigating and ensuring prompt response to ethics and compliance issues or concerns.

For more information on Reporting Fraud and Non-Compliance, see University of Houston System Administrative Memorandum (SAM) Number: 01.C.04 – Reporting/Investigating Fraudulent Acts. SAM 01.C.04 - Reporting/Investigating Fraudulent Acts

You may also anonymously report suspected fraud or instances of non-compliance by calling the Fraud and Non-Compliance Hotline at (800) 461-9330 or by visiting the Fraud and Non-Compliance Hotline website, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You may also report fraud to the Texas State Auditor's Office at (800) TX-AUDIT or the Texas State Auditor's Office website.