
SAMs Under Review

The following SAMs are currently under review. These include proposed changes to current SAMs and proposed new SAMs.

While SAMs are under the status marked "UHS Community Review" you are welcome to submit comments to: uhpolicies@uh.edu


Status Notes:

“SME Review” = Period for Subject Matter Experts to review comments and modify policy, if appropriate

“Community Review” = 30 calendar day comment period during which members of the UH System community may submit written feedback on proposed policy changes

"Legal Review" = Period during which policy is reviewed by the Office of General Counsel to ensure compliance with all relevant state and federal laws and regulations and UHS policies and procedures

"Pending final approval" = Period during which policy is waiting for final approval and signatures by approving authority   


# Policy Name Department/Division Status
01.D.07 Anti-Discrimination Legal Affairs SME Review
01.D.09 Student Academic Accommodations (Interim) Student Affairs; EOS; Legal Affairs SME Review
07.A.12 Prohibited Technologies and Covered Applications (New) Information Technology SME Review