
Alleged victims of sexual misconduct "have the right to decide if and when they report the incident(s) to the University, law enforcement, or to any other member of the University community."

-UH System Sexual Misconduct Policy

*The information on this page relates to individuals who experienced sexual misconduct. University employees with information about an incident experienced by another community member should refer to the Required Reporting page.

Getting Help

If you are a victim of sexual misconduct, please consider the following:

Calling the police.

You can contact your campus police department or call local law enforcement where the incident(s) occurred. By calling the police, you may receive information regarding your rights as well as information regarding the preservation of evidence necessary to demonstrate proof of sexual violence.

Getting medical attention.

The Texas Forensic Nurse Examiners (TXFNE) can perform a sexual assault forensic exam at the UH Student Health Center during regular business hours. Even if you don't want to file a police report, consider receiving medical attention at a doctor’s office, urgent care clinic, or hospital as soon as possible. Even though you may not feel any pain, you may be injured. Keep in mind that a full forensic exam (performed by a specially trained nurse or at a hospital) is generally the most comprehensive treatment option after a sexual assault. Learn more about the forensic exam and evidence preservation below.

A person who has been the victim of rape or other sexual assault is encouraged to request collection of physical evidence through a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) performed by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) within 120 hours of the incident (although the sooner the better). Victims can undergo a SAFE with or without police involvement. The cost of the forensic portion of the exam is covered by the law enforcement agency that is investigating the assault or, in cases in which a report will not be made to the police, the Office of the Attorney General. This does not include fees related to medical treatment that are not a part of the SAFE.

Prompt collection of physical evidence is essential should a person later decide to pursue criminal prosecution and/or a civil action. If the sexual assault occurred more than 120 hours ago, a free and confidential exam can still be administered at local hospitals; however, the sooner a rape or sexual assault is reported, the more likely evidence will remain. To help preserve evidence, the victim is encouraged to avoid:

  • Bathing or douching
  • Washing hands or face
  • Urinating
  • Drinking any liquids
  • Smoking, eating, or brushing their teeth
  • If clothes are changed, soiled clothes should be placed in a paper bag (plastic can destroy crucial evidence). For more information, see this external resource page about the sexual assault forensic exam from the Office of the Attorney General.

Consulting a confidential resource such as a licensed professional counselor, medical professional, or a member of the clergy.

These trained professionals can provide counseling, information, and support under legally protected confidentiality. Because these relationships involve privileged conversations, these confidential resources will not share information with the Title IX Coordinator or any other employee of the University without the individual’s express permission. They may, however, submit non-identifying information about the incident for purposes of making a statistical report under federal and state law.

Contacting your campus Title IX Coordinator.

The Title IX Coordinator will be able to provide you with the various options available to you and can help you secure any accommodations you might need like an adjustment to your housing or your class schedule.

To find more information on getting help, please click the Care tab of this website. To locate resources, please click the Resources tab.

Campus Supportive Measures

Help a survivor contact a Title IX Coordinator to gain access to additional University services.

Where appropriate, the UH System will implement supportive measures on its own initiative or in response to a request from a complainant (the reported victim of sexual misconduct) or respondent (the alleged perpetrator of sexual misconduct).

Supportive measures for students may include, but are not limited to:

  • Access to on-campus counseling services and assistance in setting up an initial appointment;
  • Mutual restrictions on contact between the parties (sometimes referred to as "No-contact orders" or "directives") issued by the campus Title IX Office;
  • Rescheduling of exams or assignments or other academic modifications;
  • Changing class schedules, including requests to transfer course sections or withdraw from a course without penalty;
  • Changing work schedules or routines, job assignments, or job locations for University student employment;
  • Expediting changes to residence hall assignments or supporting a request for locations with specified security features;
  • Information about how to request a security escort from campus police for travel between classes, facilities or activities;
  • Connections to other academic support services, such as tutoring;
  • Information to support a student-requested record change or leave of absence;
  • Connections to potential law enforcement agencies and community service providers; and/or
  • Recommendations for security or monitoring of certain areas of campus.

Supportive measures for faculty and staff may include, but are not limited to:

  • Access to campus or workplace-supported counseling services and assistance in setting up an initial appointment;
  • Mutual restrictions on contact between the parties (sometimes referred to as "No-contact orders" or "directives") issued by the campus Title IX Office;
  • Changing work schedules or routines, job assignments, or job locations for University employment;
  • Updates to employee official contact information or directory changes;
  • Informatoin about how to request a security escort from campus police for travel between facilities or activities;
  • Connections to potential law enforcement agencies and community service providers;
  • Information related to possible requests for administrative or other leave; and/or
  • Recommendations for security or monitoring of certain areas of campus.