Confidential Reporting

The UH System has designated some employees as confidential resources, meaning these persons will respect your privacy by not disclosing anything you reveal to them except under agreed upon conditions. Confidential resources include campus counseling or health center staff, individuals operating in the role of a pastoral counselor, and/or sexual misconduct support services staff. These resources do not report confidential information about an incident to the Title IX Coordinator without a victim’s permission.

Community-based programs not affiliated with the University may also be confidential resources and follow their own policies and procedures regarding reporting duties.

However, these resources may have reporting obligations under state or federal law. For example, healthcare providers and certain other individuals are required to notify law enforcement when a victim seeks treatment for injuries related to a violent crime, including sexual assault. Similarly, all persons are required to notify law enforcement when they receive a report of sexual abuse of a minor. Confidential employees are also required to provide de-identified reports to appropriate University personnel for statistical purposes under state and federal law.