01.F.05 – Fire Safety Standards

Section: General Administration

Area: Public Safety

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The purpose of this document is to standardize the use and application of the NFPA 1, Fire Code and NFPA 101, Life Safety Code in order to prevent fires, promote safety, and ensure compliance within the University of Houston System.


2.1. Authority Having Jurisdiction: The Texas State Fire Marshal's Office is recognized by the Texas Legislature as the agency responsible for "approving" equipment, an installation, or procedures regarding compliance with the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code and NFPA 1 Fire Code.

2.2. Fire Safety Administrator: The primary individual responsible for fire safety, code enforcement, and fire investigations on their campus. The term, Fire Safety Administrator, only serves as a functional title (and not a position title) for the purposes of this SAM.

2.3. Local Authority Having Jurisdiction (LAHJ): The Fire Safety Administrator at each University is recognized by the UHS Director of Fire and Life Safety/Fire Marshal as the individual responsible for "approving" equipment, an installation, or procedures regarding compliance with the Fire and Life Safety Code for all of their respective areas within the University.

2.4. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): A global, self-funded, nonprofit organization devoted to eliminating death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire and electrical related hazards. NFPA delivers information and knowledge through more than 300 consensus codes and standards, research, training, education, outreach and advocacy.

2.5. UHS Director of Fire and Life Safety/Fire Marshal: This individual is recognized by the Texas State Fire Marshal's Office as the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction to enforce NFPA 1, Fire Code and NFPA 101 Life Safety Code. The UH Director of Fire and Life Safety serves in this capacity.


3.1. Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 34.303 adopts NFPA 1, Fire Code and NFPA 101, Life Safety Code (and mandatory references as stated in each code) as the fire and life safety standards for all State owned and leased properties. TAC §34.303 gives the Texas State Fire Marshal's Office authority for enforcement. In turn, the Texas State Fire Marshal's Office recognizes the University of Houston's UHS Director of Fire and Life Safety/Fire Marshal as the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction to enforce NFPA 1, Fire Code and NFPA 101 Life Safety Code.

3.2. Each university will comply with the following:

a. Appoint an individual responsible for the fire safety function to serve as the Fire Safety Administrator.

b. Each Fire Safety Administrator will have a dotted-line reporting relationship to the UHS Director of Fire and Life Safety/Fire Marshal with regard to fire safety activities.

3.3. The Fire Safety Administrator at each University will:

a. Serve as Local Authority Having Jurisdiction on fire safety related activities for their campus.

b. Provide expertise and assistance for all University construction and renovation projects to include:

i. Plan reviews

ii. Periodic construction inspections

iii. Life safety system acceptance testing (i.e. fire alarm, fire sprinkler, etc.)

iv. Issuance of certificates of completion/compliance with adopted codes

c. Ensures that all construction plans, specification documents, contractors, and construction projects adhere to all codes adopted by the State Fire Marshal's Office.

d. Provide fire safety training and assist in developing college/building/department safety and evacuation plans as requested.

e. Ensures inspection of all university facilities (owned and leased) for fire safety concerns and provides code reference to violations and corrective action follow-up in those areas requiring attention.

f. Serves as university liaison with the local fire department.

g. If certified by the State of Texas, investigates the cause and origin of all fires which occur on university property.

h. Participate and collaborate on the University of Houston System Fire Safety Committee.

i. Per State Fire Marshal's Office reporting requirements, report all building fires that occur on campus within 24 hours and notify the UHS Director of Fire and Life Safety/Fire Marshal or designee.

j. Report monthly, all fire alarm activations to the State Fire Marshal's Office and the UHS Director of Fire and Life Safety/Fire Marshal.

3.4. University of Houston System Responsibilities for Fire Safety

a. The System responsibilities for fire safety will fall under the UHS Director of Fire and Life Safety/Fire Marshal. Operational control will continue to reside at the institutions.

b. The UHS Director of Fire and Life Safety/Fire Marshal's responsibilities include:

i. Providing guidance and assisting with fire safety coordination efforts for the University of Houston System.

ii. Chair the University of Houston System Fire Safety Committee which develops tools and mechanisms to provide support and coordination for the fire safety administrators at each university.

iii. When requested by the university fire safety administrator, provide guidance for community outreach, construction/renovation projects, inspections, fire investigations, and coordination with the State Fire Marshal's Office.

iv. Serve as the UHS primary liaison with the Texas State Fire Marshal's Office.


Texas Administrative Code (§34.303)


Issued: 09/20/2022
Last Reviewed/Revised:
Responsible Office(s): Administration and Finance; Campus Safety