How to Get Involved

There are a number of ways that you, as a member of the UH System community, or as a concerned constituent, can voice your support for higher education and the UH System and its four universities.  The 85th Legislative Session runs from January 10, 2017 through May 29, 2017. A few suggestions include:

  • Send congratulatory letters to elected officials and indicate that you -- as a UH System student, alumnus or alumna, faculty or staff member, or as a friend of the UH System -- look forward to their support of higher education and the institution. Click here  (PDF) for a list of area state senators and state representatives. A list of legislative committee members will be available as soon as they are named.  Caution: If you are a UH System faculty or staff member, you must write your legislator as a private citizen, not using any state resources, including staff time, letterhead, postage, computing time, etc.
  • Keep current on breaking legislative issues and information and their impact on the UH System and higher education by checking this website regularly.
  • Submit a letter to the editor or an article to your hometown newspaper voicing your concern and support of particular issues facing higher education. Be sure to share a copy of your editorial correspondence with the UH System Governmental Relations Office, fax (512) 499-8789. This way, we can keep a coordinated record of our communication efforts during the session.
  • Keep those cards and letters coming! Continue to write your elected officials encouraging their support of the UH System and your university.
  • Get a group together -- or go by yourself -- and visit your legislator in Austin.  A personal visit from a concerned constituent to his/her elected official can be very effective. When you visit, be sure to mention your affiliation with your university and that you are visiting in support of the institution.

If you are a UH System faculty or staff member, you must use your vacation time to visit the Legislature, unless you are on approved official business.

Always remember to be brief and to the point. Most likely, you will just be able to visit with a member of the legislator's staff. However, staff aides are important contacts and you should always share information with them. If you are planning a visit to Austin and would like to take some printed materials on your university and/or the UH System, please contact your university legislative liaison.

UH System Legislative Liaisons

Jason Smith
Vice Chancellor for Governmental and Community Relations

Deidra Garcia
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Governmental Relations
512-499-8789 (fax)