01.C.07 – Safety Administration

Section: General Administration

Area: Risk Management 

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This document establishes a policy designed to promote, create and maintain a safe, secure, caring and compassionate university environment.


2.1. The System will provide employees and students with a safe university environment.

2.2. The System will comply with applicable safety, health and environmental regulations.

2.3. Component university or city police departments will work together with their component university's safety office to promote a safe and secure university environment.

2.4. Employees will strive to be aware of the potential hazards in their work areas.

2.5. Students will strive to be aware of the potential hazards in their classrooms, laboratories and residential environments.

2.6. No employment objective or research objective is so important that it will be pursued at the expense of safety.

2.7. Each employee and student has the responsibility to prevent accidents and injuries by observing established operating rules.

2.8. Employees will follow the directions of their supervisors and practice the principles taught in safety training.

2.9. Students who participate in laboratory activities will receive the appropriate lab safety training prior to lab participation and use appropriate required personal protective equipment and safety instruments and/or tools (e.g., eye protection).

2.10. Contractors performing work on System property will be required to comply with health and safety rules established by the component university's safety office and applicable regulations.

2.11. The safety officer at each component university will identify potential and actual dangers and will work with the appropriate University departments to minimize them.

2.12 In order to promote a safe work environment and to ensure that the normal operations of the universities and teaching centers run smoothly, minor children may visit their parents in the workplace only on an infrequent basis. Such visits should be brief, and should be planned to avoid disruption in the workplace. When on campus, children may not be left unsupervised or in the charge of others. Exceptions may be granted by supervisors for extenuating circumstances only on a temporary and infrequent basis for brief periods of time. Sick children may not be brought to work. The System universities may allow children in the workplace for special programs and events, working with their respective departments to ensure the safety of all concerned.


3.1. The safety officer at each component university will maintain an occupational and physical safety plan.

3.2. The department hiring the contractors will ensure that contractors working on campus comply with System health and safety policies.

3.3. The safety officer at each component university will work with the administration to develop in-house safety programs.

3.4. The safety officer at each component university will monitor federal and state rules and regulations to evaluate their effect on the component university from a risk management perspective.

3.5. The safety officer at each component university and the city police department will coordinate during emergencies the provision of services with local fire departments and emergency teams.

3.6. The safety officer at each component university will identify and make appropriate efforts to correct unsafe conditions which exist.

3.7. Appropriate training will be provided by the component university's safety officer to each employee and given to each new employee during orientation.

3.8. Safety training will be a functional part of the safety program. Such programs may address the following:

a. Fire safety

b. Chemical safety

c. Biological safety

d. Radiation safety

e. Accident prevention

f. Active shooter

g. Severe weather

3.9. The safety officer at each component university will prepare reports regarding safety matters as needed to be presented to the component university's chief financial officer.

3.10. The safety officer at each component university will maintain reports of accidents and injuries, and will present copies of reports as needed to the component university's chief financial officer.


Issued: 03/09/1994
Last Reviewed/Revised: 11/17/2020
Responsible Office(s): Finance