01.F.03 – Food Safety Standard

Section: General Administration

Area: Public Safety

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The Food Safety Standard protects the University of Houston System faculty, staff, students, and visitors by providing safe and sanitary food establishments on the campuses of the System. The goal of this standard is the reduction and prevention of foodborne illness through periodic inspection of food establishments and by enforcing the most current Texas Department of State Health Services Texas Food Establishment Rules (TFER) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Food Code, as applicable.

The Food Safety Standard shall apply to all food establishments of the System. These approved food establishments shall include, but not be limited to, residential cafeterias, delicatessens, caterers, food trucks, concession stands, restaurants, temporary food service establishments, farmers' markets, and any other establishment where food and beverages are prepared or served to the UHS community.


2.1. Each university will comply with the following:

a. Ensure all food establishments comply with the most current Texas Department of State Health Services Texas Food Establishment Rules (TFER) and compliance with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Food Code, as applicable.

b. Conduct inspections of all food establishments to ensure compliance with aforementioned rules and regulations

i. These inspections shall be conducted at least twice during each spring and fall semesters, and during other times of the year as deemed appropriate by the UHS Food Safety Office.

ii. These inspections shall be conducted by a UHS Food Safety Office health inspector.

iii. The UHS health inspector conducting these inspections must hold, at a minimum, a food manager's certification from a food safety training provider. A Texas registered sanitarian certification is preferred.

iv. The UHS health inspector will provide inspection reports to the food establishment manager and the executive director of Auxiliary Services. For establishments not managed by Auxiliary Services, reports will be provided to the food establishment manager and the organization's designee.

2.2. Each food establishment will comply with the following:

a. Comply with the most current Texas Department of State Health Services Texas Food Establishment Rules (TFER) and compliance with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Food Code, as applicable.

b. Report all food safety complaints to the UHS Food Safety Office.

i. A UHS Food Safety Office health inspector shall conduct a root cause analysis and provide any corrective actions to the food establishment and the executive director of Auxiliary Services. For establishments not managed by Auxiliary Services, reports will be provided to the food establishment and the organization's designee.


a. Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 228 (TFER)

b. U.S. Food and Drug Administration Food Code


Issued: 06/15/2022
Last Reviewed/Revised: 
Responsible Office(s): Administration and Finance