02.E.07 – Staff Service Awards

Section: Human Resources

Area: Miscellaneous Benefits

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The purpose of this document is to establish guidelines for an awards program to recognize outstanding non-faculty employee service.


2.1. The University of Houston System is authorized to purchase and present awards to employees for outstanding service.

2.2. Awards that may be purchased with state-appropriated funds include the following:

a. Service award pins and certifications for longevity of service;

b. Safety award pins and certificates for safe operation of state equipment; and

c. Awards for special professional achievement or other outstanding service. The cost shall not be in excess of $100.00 per employee.

2.3. Awards in an amount greater than $100.00 must be paid from local funds and may be given up to a limit to be determined at each University.

2.4. Service awards programs must be reviewed and approved by each University human resources department prior to implementation.


Issued: 02/23/1996
Last Reviewed/Revised: 10/18/2021
Responsible Office(s): Human Resources