03.A.10 – Requests for Funds from UH Foundation

Section: Fiscal Affairs

Area: General

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1.1. The University of Houston Foundation has a fiduciary responsibility for ensuring the propriety and integrity of all accounts administered by the Foundation. It is the responsibility of the University of Houston System ("UHS") to provide the Foundation with sufficient information so that judgment regarding expenditures from these accounts can be made.

1.2. The UHS shall ensure that payment requests are accurate and expenditures being paid or reimbursed are consistent with System objectives. Foundation funds shall be used for authorized System expenditures that may not be permissible from funds managed by the System. Under no circumstances can the expenditure be used as a supplement to compensation or for personal benefits, explicit or implied.

1.3. This Administrative Memorandum describes procedures to ensure that funds are disbursed in accordance with donor requirements and restrictions, and payment or reimbursement of expenses is made as quickly as possible.


2.1. Requests for UH Foundation funds may be made on behalf of those programs or departments designated in specific donor restrictions.

2.2. All requests for invoice payments and distribution of all funds including endowment earnings must be accompanied by a completed and approved "Foundation Payment Request Form." The form is available at http://www.uh.edu/finance/pages/forms.htm .

2.3. The originating department must ensure that all payment requests have all approvals.

2.4. All payment requests must be signed by the appropriate administrator or other authorized signee, the certifying signature authority, and the division Vice Chancellor (or designee) before being sent to the UH Foundation Office. The completed payment request will be e-mailed to the UH Foundation and carbon copy ("cc") General Accounting at genacctg@central.uh.edu.

2.5. Payments will be sent directly from the UH Foundation to the UHS Treasurer's Office for deposit, or to the payee. A copy of the check register is sent to UHS General Accounting on a monthly basis for reconciliation purposes.

2.6. Payment requests submitted to the UH Foundation will normally be paid within 10 days, unless there are intervening holidays. In an emergency, the UH Foundation will make an effort to expedite the payment.

2.7. Using copies of "Foundation Payment Requests" received from the originating departments, the Chancellor/President's Business Office will provide the Chancellor, Presidents, Vice Chancellors and General Counsel with a monthly report of their remaining balances.


Issued: 05/15/1991
Last Reviewed/Revised: 06/28/2023
Responsible Office(s): Finance