06.A.01 – Off-Campus Resident Credit Course Instruction

Section: Academic Affairs

Area: General

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This document sets forth policies and procedures governing off-campus resident credit courses offered by the universities of the University of Houston System. This document provides a framework for the delivery of off-campus instruction and facilitates the resolution of issues of cooperation and non-duplication in such programs. The Board of Regents Policy 21.01 also should be consulted in connection with this topic.


2.1. A university's primary responsibility is to maintain the quality of on-campus instruction. Delivery of off-campus resident credit courses shall not adversely affect the quality of on-campus instruction and shall not unnecessarily duplicate existing course offerings or negatively impact on-campus instructional resources.

2.2. The quality of off-campus instruction shall be comparable to on-campus instruction, including but not limited to student admission requirements, faculty qualifications, course requirements, contact hours, and provision of appropriate access for students and faculty to library and support services.

2.3. The System, in accordance with state law and with the procedures below, will review the universities' proposals in order to:

a. Assure compliance with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on College (SACSCOC) rules and System policy; 

b. Facilitate inter-campus cooperation; and

c. Maintain current and accurate records of off-campus resident credit course offerings.


3.1. In accordance with the Texas Education Code and Texas regulations governing off-campus instruction, the THECB must be notified of any new off-campus resident credit course and/or program offerings prior to implementation.

These rules are presently codified in the following documentation:

19 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 4, Subchapter Q – Approval of Off-Campus and Self-Supporting Courses and Programs for Public Institutions ; and

19 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 5, Subchapter D – Operation of Off-Campus Educational Units of Public Senior Colleges, Universities and Health-Related Institutions .

Each university in the System is responsible for adhering to these regulations.

New program offerings and new off-campus instruction sites may be subject to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on College's (SACSCOC) Substantive Change Policy. Each university is responsible for reviewing and complying with the SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy .

3.2. The Provost at each university is responsible for insuring the quality of off-campus resident credit courses offered by their university. Minimum quality standards are enumerated in THECB rules at 19 Texas Administrative Code, Section 5.76 .

3.3. The establishment of a new program, whether on or off-campus, requires the submission of a proposal to the Provost's office that must be reviewed and recommended by the Provosts' Council prior to proceeding in the approval process to the Board of Regents and the THECB.

In its review, the Provosts' Council will consider, among other subjects:

a. Sufficiency of the need and demand to be met;

b. Quality of proposed courses/programs;

c. Impact on affected educational institutions; and

d. Business pro forma outlining projected revenue and expenses for delivering the proposed program.

The initiating university is responsible for providing sufficient data to form a careful analysis of the off-campus instructional proposal.

3.4. The Provosts' Council will make its recommendation to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, who is responsible for approving proposed courses/programs­ for transmittal to the THECB.


Issued: 01/12/1991
Last Reviewed/Revised: 04/09/2024
Responsible Office(s): Academic Affairs