06.A.04 – Honorary Degrees

Section: Academic Affairs

Area: General

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This document sets forth the procedures to be followed in selecting individuals to be awarded honorary degrees. The policy reference for this document is Board of Regents Policy 21.02 - Honorary Degrees .


2.1. Honorary degrees are approved by the Board and awarded by the President of the component university in the name of the Board.

2.2. The President of the component university shall form an honorary degree committee for the purpose of reviewing nominations and making formal recommendations to the president. The Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs shall serve ex-officio.

2.3. By February 1 of each year, component university Presidents shall submit to the Chancellor preliminary recommendations for honorary degree recipients.

2.4. By March 1, the Chancellor, assisted by the component university Presidents, will review recommendations with the Board.

2.5. The component university Presidents shall contact prospective recipients to determine their willingness to accept. The honoree should be in attendance at the event at which the degree is awarded.

2.6. The component university President shall submit recommendations for honorary degree conferral for Board action in April.

2.7. Honorary degrees may be awarded at other times during the year and the same process will be followed except the timetable will be different.

2.8. The honorary degree certificate will be signed by the sponsoring component university President, the Chancellor and the Board Chair.


Issued: 11/12/1993
Last Reviewed/Revised: 11/02/2011
Responsible Office(s): Academic Affairs