06.B.01 – Students Called to Active Duty

Section: Academic Affairs

Area: Tuition, Fees and Grading Options

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Recognizing the economic hardship and personal sacrifice for students called to active duty by a reserve branch of the United States Armed Forces, the University of Houston System provides a refund of tuition and fees through the procedure described in this document.


2.1. If a student withdraws from an institution of higher education because the student is called to active military service, the institution, at the student's option shall:

a. refund the tuition and fees paid by the student for the semester in which the student withdraws, or

b. grant a student, who is eligible under the institution's guidelines, an incomplete grade in all courses by designating "withdrawn-military" on the student's transcript; or

c. as determined by the instructor, assign an appropriate final grade or credit to a student who has satisfactorily completed a substantial amount of coursework and who has demonstrated sufficient mastery of the course material.

2.2. Students or their representatives may request withdrawal and refund by presenting evidence of the call to active military duty to the college, the Registrar's Office, or the appropriate university official. Students receiving Title IV federal funds should contact the System Financial Aid Office for additional information.

2.3. Students withdrawing for this reason may be readmitted at the start of any semester after discharge from active duty.


Issued: 12/07/1990
Last Reviewed/Revised: 04/26/2024
Responsible Office(s): Academic Affairs