Department Specific Contracts and Forms
- Athletic Agreement (OGC-S-2007-06) - athletic agreement for Olympic sports
- Athletic Facilities Lease Agreement (OGC-S-1999-12) - contract used to lease athletic facilities on campus
- Courtesy Car Agreement (OGC-S-1998-01) - contract used when University is being loaned vehicle(s)
Arte Publico Press
- Arte Publico Press Invoice (OGC-S-2001-08)- invoice sent to another party for non-exclusive use of material owned by APP
Business Services
- Campus Vending Refund Policy and Request Form (OGC-SF-2005-01)- campus refund vending policy and request form
- Cougar Card Agreement (OGC-S-2001-17)- contract/application for Cougar Card
- Merchant Agreement for Cougar Card (OGC-S-1998-03)- contract used to allow a vendor to process payments with a Cougar Card
- Merchant Agreement for Cougar Card Exhibit A (OGC-S-1998-03 A)- If applicable, a merchant fee exhibited to the Merchant Agreement for Cougar Card
- Merchant Agreement for Cougar Card Exhibit B (OGC-S-1998-03 B)- If applicable, an equipment lease exhibit to the Merchant Agreement for Cougar Card
Communications Sciences & Disorders
- Affiliation Agreement (OGC-S-1998-35) - contract used to create a clinical program for University students with an outside entity
- Agreement for Communications Sciences & Disorder Services (OGC-S-1998-36) - revenue agreement in which University provides speech/audiology services
- Business Associate Agreement (OGC-S-2006-21) - contract used to protect health information when entering into an agreement with another party that will be providing hearing-related services, and the party will have access to health information.
- Notice of Privacy Practices - HIPPA (OGC-S-2014-01) - to comply with amended HIPPA regulations
Continuing Education
- Confirmation Letter - Accelerated Learning Programs (OGC-S-1998-30) - revenue contract in which University provides accelerated learning services
- Facility Use Agreement - Cullen Performance Hall (OGC-S-2003-04)- contract used for the rental of the Cullen Performance Hall
- Letter of Agreement - University-Sponsored Educational Materials - (OGC-S-1998-29) - contract used to obtain educational materials such as study guides, tests, syllabi, and visual aids
C.T. Bauer College of Business
- Bauer College Student Corporate Projects Agreement (OGC-S-2017-01) - used by Bauer students as a part of their for-credit degree programs
- Bauer Media Underwriting Agreement (OGC-S-2020-15) - contract used to obtain funding from sponsors in exchange for mentioning sponsors name and/or product during airtime
- Affiliation Agreement PHLS (OGC-S-2013-15) - contract used to create an internship program with an outside entity
- Affiliation Agreement PHLS-Counseling (OGC-S-2019-05) - contract used to create an internship program with an outside entity
- Affiliation Agreement PHLS-Health Program (OGC-S-2017-08) - contract used to create an internship program with an outside entity
- Affiliation Agreement for School District (OGC-S-2017-15) - contract used to create an internship program with the school districts
- Residency Memorandum of Understanding (OGC-S-2021-08) - contract used for the Texas Teacher Residency Program (TxTRP).
- Agreement for Use of Biomedical Engineering Research Core Laboratory (OGC-S-2012-07) for non UH affiliated users
Graduate College of Social Work
- AH Affiliation Agreement (GCSW) (OGC-S-1999-30) - contract used to create an internship program with an outside entity
- Field Affiliation Agreement (GCSW) (OGC-S-1999-15) - contract used to create a clinical program for University students with an outside entity
Health and Human Performance
- HHP Affiliation Agreement (OGC-S-2010-16) - contract used for a standard affiliation agreement
- HHP Affiliation Agreement (Kinesiology) (OGC-S-2012-10) - contract used for the Kinesiology Internship Program
- Letter Agreement for History Contributor (OGC-S-2006-04) - contract used to obtain material from a contributor that will be published in the Encyclopedia of American Environmental History
- Honors Affiliation Agreement (OGC-S-2020-05) - contract used to create internship programs with an outside entity
Information Technology
- Information Security Hosted Services Contract Checklist (OGC-S-2016-03) - contract used by departments with contracts related to hosted services
- Amendment to KUHF and/or KUHA Radio Underwriting Agreement (OGC-S-2011-06) - contract used to amend the terms of the Underwriting Agreement
- Houston Public Media Television Underwriting Agreement (OGC-S-2001-15) - contract used to obtain funding from sponsors in exchange for mentioning sponsors name and/or product during airtime
- Houston Public Media Radio Underwriting Agreement (OGC-S-2001-16) - contract used to obtain funding from sponsors in exchange for mentioning sponsors name and/or product during airtime
- Houston Public Media Program License Agreement (OGC-S-2014-25)
Lab School
- Camp Construct Tuition Agreement (OGC-S-2006-05) - revenue contract for child care services provided by University
- Human Development Lab School Summer 2007 Tuition Agreement (OGC-S-2006-06) - revenue contract for child care services provided by University
- Human Development Lab School 2007-2008 Tuition Agreement (OGC-S-2006-07) - revenue contract for child care services provided by University
- Loaned Faculty Agreement (OGC-S-2007-08)- contract used when the University Law Center loans a member of its faculty to another institution of higher education
- Loaned Faculty Agreement (OGC-S-2009-06) - contract used when the University Law Center acquires a member of the faculty from another institution of higher education
- Affiliation Agreement (Extern) (OGC-S-1999-11) - contract used to create a clinical program with an outside entity for Doctor of Optometry students
- Affiliation Agreement (Residents) (OGC-S-1999-10) - contract used to create a clinical program with an outside entity for Residents in the Optometry Program
- Business Associate Agreement (OGC-S-2006-21) - contract used to protect health information when entering into an agreement with another party that will be providing optical-related services and the party will have access to health information.
Other Campus
- University of Houston – Victoria
- University of Houston – Downtown
- University of Houston – Clear Lake
- Affiliation Agreement (OGC-S-1998-21) - contract used to create a clinical program for University students with an outside entity
- Affiliation Agreement for IPPE - College of Pharmacy (OGC-S-2008-09) - contract used to create a clinical program for University students with an outside entity
- Police Services Agreement (OGC-S-2003-01) - contract used to obtain police security services from officers outside the University
Provost's Office
- Learning Abroad Affiliation Agreement (OGC-S-2018-08) - contract used to provide quality overseas learning abroad programs
Small Business Development Center
- SBDC Corporate Training Agreement (OGC-S-2006-19) - revenue contract used for SBDC training workshops
- SBDC Facility Rental Agreement (OGC-S-2014-04) - revenue contract used for the short-term rental of the classroom, conference rooms, or other spaces at the Small Business Development Center
School of the Arts
- Arts Affiliation Agreement (OGC-S-2014-23) - contract used to create an internship program with an outside entity
- Spirit of Houston Release & Hold Harmless (OGC-S-2021-05)
School of Nursing (SON)
- Nursing Affiliation Agreement (OGC-S-2015-07) - contract used to create an internship program with an outside entity
Student Affairs
- AFB-CCA Notice of Award (OGC-S-2000-01) - Award letter to student organization from Activities Funding Board
- Application for Cable and Telephone Services (OGC-S-2000-11) - revenue contract used to provide cable service to students at room and board facilities
- Authorization for Release of Medical Records (OGC-SF-2005-03) - this form is being revised
- Authorization for Release of Medical Records (OGC-SF-2005-04) - authorization for the release of medical records to the University of Houston Center for Students with DisABILITIES
- Authorization for Use of Creative Work or Copyrighted Material (OGC-S-2015-12) - used by Center for Student Media
- Camp Construct Tuition Agreement (OGC-S-2006-05) - Charter School's Camp Construct
- Camp Genesis (OGC-SF-2004-01) - release and indemnification form for participants in Camp Genesis activities
- Children's Learning Centers Enrollment Agreement (OGC-S-2000-03) - contract used for parents of students enrolling in the University Child Care Center
- Conference Service Agreement (OGC-S-2000-04) - revenue contract used for a temporary group of guests that will be provided room and board at University facilities
- Consent to Disclose Education Records (OGC-SF-2001-11) - student consent to disclose certain education records
- Credit Card Authorization (OGC-SF-2006-1) - Credit card authorization for UH Wellness
- CRWC Personal Training Program Form (OGC-SF-2004-08) - contains forms regarding participant (e.g., background/goals), personal training consultation, medical consent, workout sessions, release form
- CRWC Physical Health Examination (OGC-SF-2004-02) - form to be completed by a licensed physician examining a potential Camp Genesis participant
- Equipment Damage Form - Backpacks (OGC-SF-2004-07) - equipment damage form for backpacks
- Equipment Damage Form - Car Camping Tents (OGC-SF-2004-04) - equipment damage form for car camping tents
- Equipment Damage Form - Sleeping Bags (OGC-SF-2004-05) - equipment damage form for sleeping bags
- Equipment Damage Form - Backpacking Tents (OGC-SF-2004-06) - equipment damage form for backpacking tents
- Facility License Agreement (OGC-S-2015-15) - used for rental of University facilities at UH Campus Recreation Special Events
- Faculty-in-Residence Contract and License Agreement (OGC-S-2011-03) - live-in faculty program with University Residential Life & Housing
- FERPA Authorization Form (OGC-SF-2006-02) - Authorization to release educational records
- Live-In Professional Housing Agreement (OGC-S-2021-01) - contract used for live-in staff for Student Housing and Residential Life.
- Outdoor Adventure Rental Agreement (OGC-SF-2004-03) - revenue contract used for equipment rental
- Parental Verification of Student Dependency (OGC-S-2011-01) - FERPA form
- Release of Information Authorization (OGC-SF-2010-01)
- Request by Parent or Guardian to Review Records (OGC-SF-2001-12) - request by parent or guardian to review educational records
- Residence Halls Services Agreement (OGC-S-2000-06) - for use beginning in the Fall of 2014 revenue contract for providing room and board at Cougar Village, Cougar Village 2, Cougar Place, Bayou Oaks, Moody Towers, or University Lofts.
- Residence Halls Short Term Guest Services Agreement (OGC-S-2022-01) - revenue contract for individual short-term guests within University housing facilities.
- Space Reservation Agreement (OGC-S-2000-05) - revenue contract used for University facility rental
- UC Credit Card Authorization Form (OGC-S-2006-01) - UC credit card authorization form
- UH Dining Services Form Terms and Conditions (OGC-SF-2007-03) - contract used to define a student's meal plan
- UH Student Additional Bandwidth Application (OGC-SF-2007-02) - contract used to provide Ethernet bandwidth to a student in University housing facilities
- Authorization For Use Of Creative Work or Copyrighted Material (OGC-S-2015-13) - used by the College of Technology - Digital Media
- TMAC Agreement (OGC-S-1998-37) - revenue agreement in which University provides various services specified in Appendix A
- TMAC Agreement (Appendix A) (OGC-S-1998-38) - Appendix to TMAC Agreement
- TMAC Agreement Cancellation (OGC-S-1998-39) - cancellation notice for vendors under the TMAC Agreement
University Advancement
- Intellectual Property Use Permission Form (OGC-SF-2002-02) - contract for permission to use University marks, photos, publications, website, etc.
- Request for Proposal for Art Installation (OGC-S-2012-03) - Art Acquisition Agreement