Department Specific Contracts and Forms
Athletic Agreement (OGC-S-2007-06) - athletic agreement for Olympic sports
Athletic Facilities Lease Agreement (OGC-S-1999-12) - contract used to lease athletic facilities on campus
Courtesy Car Agreement (OGC-S-1998-01) - contract used when University is being loaned vehicle(s)
Arte Publico Press
Arte Publico Press Invoice (OGC-S-2001-08)- invoice sent to another party for non-exclusive use of material owned by APP
Campus Vending Refund Policy and Request Form (OGC-SF-2005-01)- campus refund vending policy and request form
Cougar Card Agreement (OGC-S-2001-17)- contract/application for Cougar Card
Merchant Agreement for Cougar Card (OGC-S-1998-03)- contract used to allow a vendor to process payments with a Cougar Card
Merchant Agreement for Cougar Card Exhibit A (OGC-S-1998-03 A)- If applicable, a merchant fee exhibited to the Merchant Agreement for Cougar Card
Merchant Agreement for Cougar Card Exhibit B (OGC-S-1998-03 B)- If applicable, an equipment lease exhibit to the Merchant Agreement for Cougar Card
Communications Sciences & Disorders
Affiliation Agreement (OGC-S-1998-35) - contract used to create a clinical program for University students with an outside entity
Agreement for Communications Sciences & Disorder Services (OGC-S-1998-36) - revenue agreement in which University provides speech/audiology services
Business Associate Agreement (OGC-S-2006-21) - contract used to protect health information when entering into an agreement with another party that will be providing hearing-related services, and the party will have access to health information.
Notice of Privacy Practices - HIPPA (OGC-S-2014-01) - to comply with amended HIPPA regulations
Continuing Education
Confirmation Letter - Accelerated Learning Programs (OGC-S-1998-30) - revenue contract in which University provides accelerated learning services
Facility Use Agreement - Cullen Performance Hall (OGC-S-2003-04)- contract used for the rental of the Cullen Performance Hall
Letter of Agreement - University-Sponsored Educational Materials - (OGC-S-1998-29) - contract used to obtain educational materials such as study guides, tests, syllabi, and visual aids
C.T. Bauer College of Business
Bauer College Student Corporate Projects Agreement (OGC-S-2017-01) - used by Bauer students as a part of their for-credit degree programs
Bauer Media Underwriting Agreement (OGC-S-2020-15) - contract used to obtain funding from sponsors in exchange for mentioning sponsors name and/or product during airtime
Affiliation Agreement PHLS (OGC-S-2013-15) - contract used to create an internship program with an outside entity
Affiliation Agreement PHLS-Counseling (OGC-S-2019-05) - contract used to create an internship program with an outside entity
Affiliation Agreement PHLS-Health Program (OGC-S-2017-08) - contract used to create an internship program with an outside entity
Affiliation Agreement for School District (OGC-S-2017-15) - contract used to create an internship program with the school districts
Residency Memorandum of Understanding (OGC-S-2021-08) - contract used for the Texas Teacher Residency Program (TxTRP).
Agreement for Use of Biomedical Engineering Research Core Laboratory (OGC-S-2012-07) for non UH affiliated users
Graduate College of Social Work
AH Affiliation Agreement (GCSW) (OGC-S-1999-30) - contract used to create an internship program with an outside entity
Field Affiliation Agreement (GCSW) (OGC-S-1999-15) - contract used to create a clinical program for University students with an outside entity
Health and Human Performance
HHP Affiliation Agreement (OGC-S-2010-16) - contract used for a standard affiliation agreement
HHP Affiliation Agreement (Kinesiology) (OGC-S-2012-10) - contract used for the Kinesiology Internship Program
Letter Agreement for History Contributor (OGC-S-2006-04) - contract used to obtain material from a contributor that will be published in the Encyclopedia of American Environmental History
Honors Affiliation Agreement (OGC-S-2020-05) - contract used to create internship programs with an outside entity
Information Technology
Information Security Hosted Services Contract Checklist (OGC-S-2016-03) - contract used by departments with contracts related to hosted services
Amendment to KUHF and/or KUHA Radio Underwriting Agreement (OGC-S-2011-06) - contract used to amend the terms of the Underwriting Agreement
Houston Public Media Television Underwriting Agreement (OGC-S-2001-15) - contract used to obtain funding from sponsors in exchange for mentioning sponsors name and/or product during airtime
Houston Public Media Radio Underwriting Agreement (OGC-S-2001-16) - contract used to obtain funding from sponsors in exchange for mentioning sponsors name and/or product during airtime
Lab School
Camp Construct Tuition Agreement (OGC-S-2006-05) - revenue contract for child care services provided by University
Human Development Lab School Summer 2007 Tuition Agreement (OGC-S-2006-06) - revenue contract for child care services provided by University
Human Development Lab School 2007-2008 Tuition Agreement (OGC-S-2006-07) - revenue contract for child care services provided by University
Loaned Faculty Agreement (OGC-S-2007-08)- contract used when the University Law Center loans a member of its faculty to another institution of higher education
Affiliation Agreement (Extern) (OGC-S-1999-11) - contract used to create a clinical program with an outside entity for Doctor of Optometry students
Affiliation Agreement (Residents) (OGC-S-1999-10) - contract used to create a clinical program with an outside entity for Residents in the Optometry Program
Business Associate Agreement (OGC-S-2006-21) - contract used to protect health information when entering into an agreement with another party that will be providing optical-related services and the party will have access to health information.
Other Campus
University of Houston – Victoria
University of Houston – Downtown
University of Houston – Clear Lake
Affiliation Agreement (OGC-S-1998-21) - contract used to create a clinical program for University students with an outside entity
Affiliation Agreement for IPPE - College of Pharmacy (OGC-S-2008-09) - contract used to create a clinical program for University students with an outside entity
Police Services Agreement (OGC-S-2003-01) - contract used to obtain police security services from officers outside the University
Provost's Office
Small Business Development Center
SBDC Corporate Training Agreement (OGC-S-2006-19) - revenue contract used for SBDC training workshops
SBDC Facility Rental Agreement (OGC-S-2014-04) - revenue contract used for the short-term rental of the classroom, conference rooms, or other spaces at the Small Business Development Center
School of the Arts
School of Nursing (SON)
Nursing Affiliation Agreement (OGC-S-2015-07) - contract used to create an internship program with an outside entityStudent Affairs
AFB-CCA Notice of Award (OGC-S-2000-01) - Award letter to student organization from Activities Funding BoardApplication for Cable and Telephone Services (OGC-S-2000-11) - revenue contract used to provide cable service to students at room and board facilities
Authorization for Release of Medical Records (OGC-SF-2005-03) - this form is being revised
Authorization for Release of Medical Records (OGC-SF-2005-04) - authorization for the release of medical records to the University of Houston Center for Students with DisABILITIES
Authorization for Use of Creative Work or Copyrighted Material (OGC-S-2015-12) - used by Center for Student Media
Camp Construct Tuition Agreement (OGC-S-2006-05) - Charter School's Camp Construct
Camp Genesis (OGC-SF-2004-01) - release and indemnification form for participants in Camp Genesis activities
Children's Learning Centers Enrollment Agreement (OGC-S-2000-03) - contract used for parents of students enrolling in the University Child Care Center
Conference Service Agreement (OGC-S-2000-04) - revenue contract used for a temporary group of guests that will be provided room and board at University facilities
Consent to Disclose Education Records (OGC-SF-2001-11) - student consent to disclose certain education records
Credit Card Authorization (OGC-SF-2006-1) - Credit card authorization for UH Wellness
CRWC Personal Training Program Form (OGC-SF-2004-08) - contains forms regarding participant (e.g., background/goals), personal training consultation, medical consent, workout sessions, release form
CRWC Physical Health Examination (OGC-SF-2004-02) - form to be completed by a licensed physician examining a potential Camp Genesis participant
Equipment Damage Form - Backpacks (OGC-SF-2004-07) - equipment damage form for backpacks
Equipment Damage Form - Car Camping Tents (OGC-SF-2004-04) - equipment damage form for car camping tents
Equipment Damage Form - Sleeping Bags (OGC-SF-2004-05) - equipment damage form for sleeping bags
Equipment Damage Form - Backpacking Tents (OGC-SF-2004-06) - equipment damage form for backpacking tents
Facility License Agreement (OGC-S-2015-15) - used for rental of University facilities at UH Campus Recreation Special Events
Faculty-in-Residence Contract and License Agreement (OGC-S-2011-03) - live-in faculty program with University Residential Life & Housing
FERPA Authorization Form (OGC-SF-2006-02) - Authorization to release educational records
Live-In Professional Housing Agreement (OGC-S-2021-01) - contract used for live-in staff for Student Housing and Residential Life.
Outdoor Adventure Rental Agreement (OGC-SF-2004-03) - revenue contract used for equipment rental
Parental Verification of Student Dependency (OGC-S-2011-01) - FERPA form
Release of Information Authorization (OGC-SF-2010-01)
Request by Parent or Guardian to Review Records (OGC-SF-2001-12) - request by parent or guardian to review educational records
Residence Halls Services Agreement (OGC-S-2000-06) - for use beginning in the Fall of 2014 revenue contract for providing room and board at Cougar Village, Cougar Village 2, Cougar Place, Bayou Oaks, Moody Towers, or University Lofts.
Residence Halls Short Term Guest Services Agreement (OGC-S-2022-01) - revenue contract for individual short-term guests within University housing facilities.
Space Reservation Agreement (OGC-S-2000-05) - revenue contract used for University facility rental
UC Credit Card Authorization Form (OGC-S-2006-01) - UC credit card authorization form
UH Dining Services Form Terms and Conditions (OGC-SF-2007-03) - contract used to define a student's meal plan
UH Student Additional Bandwidth Application (OGC-SF-2007-02) - contract used to provide Ethernet bandwidth to a student in University housing facilities
TMAC Agreement (OGC-S-1998-37) - revenue agreement in which University provides various services specified in Appendix A
TMAC Agreement (Appendix A) (OGC-S-1998-38) - Appendix to TMAC Agreement
TMAC Agreement Cancellation (OGC-S-1998-39) - cancellation notice for vendors under the TMAC Agreement
University Advancement
Intellectual Property Use Permission Form (OGC-SF-2002-02) - contract for permission to use University marks, photos, publications, website, etc.
Request for Proposal for Art Installation (OGC-S-2012-03) - Art Acquisition Agreement